Rate and Insurance Information

I have made a conscious decision to be an out-of-network provider. This results in the freedom to focus 100% on your treatment needs. As an individual provider, I am able to customize your care and tailor your treatment plans to meet your goals, not the goals of insurance companies. With more flexibility and time I can partner with you on the path to your health and well being. This includes thoughtful, personalized treatment, collaborating with other providers when appropriate, and greater appointment availability. Your needs matter a great deal and I care a deeply about you getting the support you deserve along the way.

Understand your Out-of-Network Mental Health Benefits

The first step is to contact the Member Services phone number on the back of your health insurance card. Ask your insurance representative the below questions to understand your coverage and out of pocket costs. 

  1. Do I have "out-of-network outpatient mental health coverage"

  2. What is my out-of-network deductible? 

  3. What is my co-insurance rate for outpatient psychotherapy (% of reimbursement per session)?

  4. How many outpatient therapy sessions are allowed per calendar year? 

  5. Am I eligible for coverage under the “2008 Timothy’s Law”? (This allows some members access to unlimited therapy sessions if they meet criteria for a biological based diagnosis) 

  6. Do you require prior authorization for Out-of-Network outpatient therapy sessions? If so, please provide them with the date of the first session and our billing information below:  

  7. What is the process for submitting claims-- Mail, Fax, or Online? It will be important to record the proper mailing, fax or web address so you will be ready to submit your claims.

  8. We will provide you with monthly invoices that will include all of the necessary information for your claims to be processed. This will also be your paid receipt. 

Cost: $200/hour